What Οnline Time Deposit is

The online version of Business Standard Time Deposits. A deposit account with a specific time limit, upon the expiry of which you can terminate or renew your account. The deposit interest rate remains stable throughout the account duration; returns are paid upon maturity, along with the initial capital.

Main features

  • Easy and quick opening of the account without visiting a branch

  • Interest rates varies and is determined by the deposit amount and duration.

  • Interest payment is credited upon maturity (after the deduction of the current tax towards the State, presently determined at 15%)

  • The deposit amount may vary between €5.000 and €200.000.

  • Time deposit maturity set anywhere between 30 and 365 days


  • In case you perform an early withdrawal of all or part of your deposit, you are subject to a penalty affecting the accrued interest, determined by the withdrawal amount and the days remaining until maturity; in any case, the original capital is not affected whatsoever

  • There is no option to carry out deposits to the account prior to maturity


In order to open Monthly Income Online time deposit, you must:

  • Be registered in Chania e-banking serviceΝα είστε εγγεγραμένος χρήστης της υπηρεσίας Chania  ebanking

  • Already have a deposit account from which the capital will be transferred to the time deposit

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The interest rate is fixed and listed in the interest rate table of the Bank. You can see the interest rates here.

When filling in your application form, you will be required to select an account in which interest will be deposited. The joint holders of this account can be also appointed as joint holders of Online Time Deposit. Main holder assumes the responsibility to inform joint holders about their involvement in Online Time Deposit.

You will get automatically informed by text message or email, according to which way you chose when you opened the account.

You can ask for an early repayment only by visiting one of our Branches.