The Cooperative Bank of Chania, continuing to support small and medium-sized enterprises, participates in the new business funds “TEPIX III” managed by the Hellenic Development Bank (HDB S.A.). The Bank offers the new financial tools of TEPIX III to very small, small, and medium enterprises, supporting their investment plans and liquidity through the TEPIX III Loan Fund.

The Cooperative Bank of Chania participates in the “TEPIX III Loan Fund” providing loans on favorable terms to meet the financing needs of businesses based in Greece, with the aim of enhancing their productive activity and improving their competitiveness. This action involves the granting of new loans on favorable terms to SMEs for meeting their financing needs (investment purpose loans and working capital for the expansion and development of business activity) with resources from the Bank and the Co-financing Fund managed by the HDB. These are term loans with preferential interest rates. 40% of the loan, which comes from the Fund’s capital, is interest-free, while a reduced borrowing cost is foreseen for the bank’s interest rate applied to 60% of the granted amount.”


  • Reduced borrowing cost due to the participation of the fund

  • Reduced collateral requirements.

Main Characteristics

  • Subprogram 1: Up to €8 million for investment loans. With a loan from €20,000 to €1,500,000, you can cover the investment needs of your business under the de-minimis aid regime. With a loan from €20,000 to €8,000,000, you can cover the investment needs of your business under the General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER) aid regime.

  • Subprogram 2: Up to €15 million for working capital “special purpose”. With a loan from €10,000 to €1,500,000, you can cover the working capital needs of your business within the framework of implementing an investment plan under the de-minimis aid regime.

  • Reduced interest rate compared to equivalent loans. 40% of the loan is interest-free from the TEPIX III Loan Fund due to the interest-free participation of the HDB in the co-financing scheme and is not burdened with the contribution of Law 128/75.  For the remaining 60% of the loan, a floating interest rate (Euribor 3m + margin) is applied

  • 3% Interest Subsidy for 2 Years. Partial interest subsidy of 3% annually for the first two (2) years.  Working capital loans to businesses that have received a loan from another HDB program in the past are EXCLUDED from the subsidy

  • Investment loans: 5-12 years with a grace period of up to 24 months within the total duration.

  • Working capital: 2-5 years with a grace period of up to 12 months within the total duration.

Loan Granting Period

Until the resources are exhausted or at the latest until 31-12-2029.

Implementation Deadline

Contracts can be signed within three months from the date of HDB approval. The first disbursement (total or partial) is made within four months from the signing of the contract.

Aid Scheme of the Action

i. Under the de-minimis aid regime (EU) 2831/2023 or

ii. Under the General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER) (EU) 651/2014.


Reduced collateral requirements due to the participation of the fund

Eligible Expenses

For the financing of all types of expenses, it is mandatory to submit a business plan and related expense documents to ensure their correlation with the submitted business plan and the achievement of the Fund’s objectives. In Subprogram 1 (investment loans), the business plan also includes a description of the investment (investment plan).

Eligible expenses must not have been incurred (invoice payment) before the financing application is submitted to the Bank. Specifically:

  • Financing of the expenses of the investment plan will be done with the submission of the relevant documents to the Bank and in no case should they have been incurred (invoice payment) before the financing application is submitted.

  • Invoices on credit dated up to 6 months before the submission of the financing request to the Bank in the OPSKE are accepted.

  • If the loan finances part of the investment plan that has been included in a grant action, the conditions that must be met in the case of combining with other forms of aid (union or national) must be simultaneously checked.

  • In any case, the financings must be accompanied by the implementation of the investment plan and the submission of expense documents indicating the implementation and purpose of the investment plan and documenting the compliance with the terms of Article 21 of the GBER if it concerns investment plan loans granted through the GBER (Action 1.2).

Additionally, for both Subprograms, VAT is an eligible expense, while financing is prohibited for:

  • Debt interest payments (does not apply to interest subsidies partially covered by the Fund).
  • Purchase of land exceeding 10% of the Fund’s contribution amount paid to the business.
  • Fees, taxes (except eligible VAT), and contributions.
  • Loan file expenses.
  • Expenses that finance purely financial activities or real estate development activities when conducted as intermediary financing activities and consumer credit provision services are not financed.
  • The expenses financed concern obligations related to the commercial/transaction cycle of the business as part of its activities, such as expenses related to the development or expansion of the business activities, which have not been incurred (invoice payment) before the financing application is submitted. Invoices on credit dated up to 6 months before the submission of the financing request to the OPSKE are accepted.

  • Among other things, eligible expenses include those for purchasing raw materials, payroll costs, inventories, etc.

Additionally, for both Subprograms, VAT is an eligible expense, while financing is prohibited for:

  • Debt interest payments (does not apply to interest subsidies partially covered by the Fund).
  • Purchase of land exceeding 10% of the Fund’s contribution amount paid to the business.
  • Fees, taxes (except eligible VAT), and contributions.
  • Loan file expenses.
  • Expenses that finance purely financial activities or real estate development activities when conducted as intermediary financing activities and consumer credit provision services are not financed.

Eligible Enterprises

Enterprises for which the following conditions (Eligibility Criteria) cumulatively apply at the date of approval-inclusion in the Loan Portfolio and the signing of the Loan Agreement:

  1. They are Very Small, Small, and Medium-sized enterprises according to the definition of SMEs in Annex I of Regulation 651/2014 as it applies.
  2. They operate legally in Greece (possessing the necessary operating license, if required).
  3. They engage in any eligible NACE code.
  4. They meet the eligibility criteria and aid accumulation limits depending on the applicable State Aid Regulation.
  5. They are creditworthy according to the applicable credit policy.
  6. They have not received rescue or restructuring aid, or the enterprise has received rescue aid but has repaid the loan and terminated the guarantee agreement, or the enterprise has received restructuring aid which has been completed.
  7. They are not considered troubled (as per Article 1, para. 4 and point 18 of Article 2 of Regulation 651/2014 as applicable) at the time of granting the aid (at the level of the single enterprise).
  8. They are in good standing with banks (i.e., with a delay of less than or equal to ≤ 90 days at the date of the application).
  9. They are not subject to exclusion reasons of Article 40 of Law 4488/17 (A 137/139/17) as applicable.
  10. They are tax and insurance compliant both at the time of submission of the expression of interest application through the HDB’s KYC and at the time of loan disbursement. Additionally, they do not present insolvency according to the kept records of TIRESIAS S.A. both at the time of submission of the expression of interest application through the HDB’s KYC and at the time of loan disbursement.
  11. There is no recovery order pending against them for previous illegal and incompatible state aid based on an EU or CJEU decision.
  12. If they have been included in HDB (former ETEAN) programs that have ended or are in force, they have not shown adverse transaction behavior in repaying their debts (loan termination or overdue debts for a period equal to or greater than 90 days) or have shown adverse transaction behavior (loan termination) but have fully repaid their debts before the submission of the financing application, or if it is a guarantee program, the guarantee debt has not been paid by HDB, or if this debt has been certified to the competent Tax Office, it has been included in a settlement scheme which continues to be in force at the date of the financing application.
  13. They have registered in the Real Beneficiaries Register of Article 20 of Law 4557/2018 (A΄ 139) as it applies before the date of the financing application submission, except for cases of beneficiaries who are explicitly exempt from this obligation and provide relevant documentation.
  14. They have completed the self-assessment process for ESG Criteria in the HDB’s ESG Tracker and have submitted to the Bank at the time of the financing application the ESG Tracker Performance in PDF format where the enterprise’s performance in these criteria is reflected.

For Action 1.2 (GBER): These are Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), according to the definition set out in Annex I of Regulation 651/2014, as applicable, and at the time of inclusion meet at least one of the following three conditions:

a) They do not conduct activities in any market;

b) They have been operating in any market for any of the following: i) less than 10 years after their registration, or ii) less than 7 years after their first commercial sale;

c) They require initial investment which, based on a business plan prepared for a new economic activity, is higher than 50% of their average annual turnover for the previous five years.

Non-Eligible Activities

• In the primary production of fishery and aquaculture products.
• In the primary production of agricultural products.
• In the processing and marketing of fishery and aquaculture products.
• In the production and trade of weapons and ammunition.
• In the manufacture, processing, and marketing of tobacco and tobacco products.
• Casinos and gambling/betting.
• In Health Technology activities related to human cloning for research or therapeutic purposes and Genetically Modified Organisms/Foods.
• In Information Technology activities related to online cash gambling, casinos, and illegal activities (pornography, illegal hacking into electronic networks, illegal misappropriation of electronic data).
• In the decommissioning or construction of nuclear power stations.
• In illegal activities according to national law.

Additionally, are also excluded

  •  Public Legal Entities, Local Government Organizations of the 1st and 2nd degree, Municipal and Public Enterprises, Public Organizations.
  •  Offshore companies or holding companies in other companies.
  •  Enterprises in the financial sector.
  •  Legal Entities or Associations of Persons or Non-Profit Companies (societies, associations, clubs, NGOs, etc.).
  •  Enterprises listed on the stock exchange.
  •  Enterprises that have been subjected to collective insolvency proceedings or meet the criteria, according to domestic law, to be subjected to collective insolvency proceedings at the request of their creditors.
  • Troubled enterprises.

Management cost

It is borne by the borrower and includes:

  • Evaluation request fees according to the current service tariff of our Bank.

  • Registration costs for prenotation of mortgage (lawyer’s fees, fees for the land registry/cadastre, etc.).

  • Engineer’s fees for conducting partial certifications/valuation of collateral.

  • Annual fire and earthquake insurance premiums for the mortgaged property, provided that the loan is secured by property prenotation.

Loan Application Process

  • Submit your application on the KYC platform of the Hellenic Development Bank – HDB, using your taxisnet credentials, selecting the Cooperative Bank of Chania for the financing that suits your needs at the following link: Hellenic Development Bank – HDB.”

  • Submit your application to the Integrated Information System of State Aid (OPEKE) through the website, where the unique application number received from the HDB’s KYC platform is also indicated.”

  • Apply for a loan at a Cooperative Bank of Chania Branch. You can contact any of our branches to inquire about the required documents for financing and then submit a complete physical dossier for the evaluation of your application.